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Delve into a world of exclusive XOOI updates, feature announcements, and strategic insights. Our meticulously curated articles, blog posts, and analyses are designed to provide you with a comprehensive view of the latest in XOOI CRM innovation.
New Feature

How satisfied are your B2B clients? Discover the power of XOOI's new customizable NPS tool.

New Client

XOOI proudly welcomes Almark Logistics as a new client, marking a valuable milestone in our commitment to delivering innovative CRM solutions for the logistics industry.

New Blog Post

Switching to a new Customer Relationship Management platform should be a stress-free experience. XOOI's streamlined approach ensures a fast, cost-effective, and highly tailored transition that empowers your team and your CRM journey.

New Feature

Introducing XOOI's groundbreaking automated meeting notes feature! Experience seamless video conferencing with speech-to-text functionality that effortlessly summarizes your meetings into activity notes.